
Junior College

Enter on their first day or during their first days at 49ͼ¿â’s Junior College, students are welcomed into an environment where they are encouraged to be inquisitive and develop a deep love of learning. Supported and guided by exceptional teachers, students in the Junior College develop the confidence to explore their creativity, academic potential and spiritual development while learning the values of respect, integrity and a responsibility to serve others.

Our Junior College is divided into two distinct programs, the Foundations Program and Consolidations Program, each uniquely designed to cater for the differing needs of students as they journey through the formative educational years. These programs offer a collaborative and supportive environment where teachers focus on the whole child allowing students to build the foundations for life-long learning. It is a nurturing environment where ideas, inspiration and stimulation abound.

Foundations Program – Prep to Year 3

The Foundations Program provides a warm and caring environment where students feel supported and safe. We believe this is the key to helping children develop their early learning skills, ensuring that education will continue to be a happy and rewarding experience. These crucial early years are a very special time for children and parents in laying the foundations for their continuing journey through the College.

All students in the Foundations Program study the core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences), Health and Digital Technologies as outlined in the . Students also work with specialist teachers for their Music, Drama, Physical Education, Dance, Spanish, Japanese and Visual and Media Art subjects.

Through the program, students are encouraged and supported in their progress towards becoming independent readers and writers. Most of the school day is dedicated to cementing the understanding of literacy and mathematical concepts, so that students can build upon this knowledge in their future years of schooling. Teachers support student engagement through varied hands-on experiences, focused teaching times and small group investigations.

We understand that students work at their own ability level experiencing success at different rates and times, and our staff provide learning experiences which support and extend individual needs. The goal is to provide an environment where strong conceptual foundations are laid by each individual student, setting them up to grow and succeed in the later Junior years as they prepare for Senior College.

Through Technology and STEAM, students use iPads in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2. Year 3 students transition to a laptop.

Consolidations Program – Year 4 to Year 6

The Consolidations Program builds upon the Foundations Program so that students develop confidence, responsibility and independence in learning, leading to a smooth transition into the Senior College. Our teaching team works collaboratively to provide a supportive and caring learning environment to meet the diverse needs of the students.

Through the Consolidations Program, teachers provide a differentiated program to cater for individual levels. These needs are met with the provision of personalised programs and learning support or extension as required.

Students in our Year 5 and 6 classes are part of our College BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) program, where teachers use technology to enhance and further personalise the learning experience.  The Year 4 classes access these programs through class sets of laptops.

Students in the Consolidations Program also enjoy camps, APS Sports, and participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities and events throughout the year.

Our aim is to create an environment where enriched and inclusive learning experiences build upon foundational concepts and encourage each student to develop their own unique future.

To learn more about Junior College at 49ͼ¿â’s, please join us on a College Tour.